Wednesday, 5 June 2013

If it ain't broke...

I don't like change. I get set in my ways very easily and unnecessary change upsets me. I will never understand why websites and apps and shops go to such an effort to constantly keep changing the way they operate. 

Take Facebook for example. It used to be a perfectly simple website, with easily navigated walls and news feeds. But that wasn't good enough for the buggers. Now we've got TIMELINES. With posts and pictures all over the bloody place, making it headache central if you're trying to find some specific info. 

Another example is Snapchat, a delightful app allowing you to send pictures to friends for free. The previous layout was simple and instinctive to use. Now it's just a bloody mess! 

I'm such a cantankerous old mare, but surely someone out there can agree with the moral of this story: if it ain't broke, don't fix it. 'Cause "fixing" it will just piss me right the fuck off. 

Saturday, 25 May 2013

Long time no See

It's been rather a long time since my last post. I'd like to blame this on a busy social life, however the real culprit is actually my pathetically short attention span. I envy goldfish. 

My return to these pages can be blamed upon my most favourite darling uncle, Unky T. A touching appeal on his own blog has pushed me to again pour my meagre thoughts out to the world at large. I am, sadly, a little too busy today for an extended recount of the last year, so I shall leave you now with a promise to return very soon with the whole epic tale. 
My last words today will answer a question which has no doubt plagued you all...

I found the pillow.